Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Since I Left the FB...

I have been deprived of the ability to succinctly announce my mood to all those who care.  Therefore, I'll post a few pictures for you.

I will not go into detail, and will let you leave a comment to describe the situation.  Closest one to the final answer will win a virtual high-five.


Mrs. B said...

I would guess problems/irritants at work.

Melissa said...

Job sucks right now?

BrerSkwerl said...

Today, I will see your virtual high-five, and offer you a telepathic high-six...

Just remember, logic does not apply in what we do...

BrerSkwerl said...

No, wait... It's getting even better, so high-seven! This one is an after-the-fact approximation of a high-seven, only aftet applying Einstein's concept of relativity...