Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Letting go, in albeit a minor fashion...

Dear Facebook,

We need to talk.  This has been coming for a while now, but I don’t think either one of us had the nerve to admit it.  I think we should just be friends.  Wait, I don’t even think we should be that.  I think we should see other people.  Make that real live people.

“Are you breaking up with me?” you ask.  Yes.  Unlike every other toxic relationship in my past, I am setting my digital foot down and terminating our connection.  We had our good times, but it was just a fad, a phase, a broadband interlude.

I am grateful for one thing, though.  You did bring me back in touch with people from the distant and recent past.  For that, I thank you, but that is not enough.  I am tired of feeling the voyeur and looking at peoples’ cruise pictures and reading comments irrelevant to me.  I despise your cyber reality and cherish that which is tangible and outdoors.

Therefore, to all of those who I have reconnected with in either a passive or active fashion, I offer you this.  Message me your mailing address, and at a minimum I will add you to the old Christmas card list.  Better yet, request a letter, and I will actually write you one.  Request my mailing address, and I will gladly provide it and eagerly check my mailbox.
FB, I will hang around until May 1st or until the security deposit is returned, and then I’m moving out.

FB Friends, if I’ve offended you in some odd way, oh well, we’ll all get over it in about 3 seconds.  If you want to un-friend me prior to May 1st, go ahead, I won’t be put off.  If you want to keep in touch for real, like I said, message me and we can trade mailing addresses.
I’ve had fun with all of you at one point in my life and in some form or fashion, but life is better served with real, not digital, connections.

Remember, happiness is found between the sole and the soil.



Analee said...

so, when are you writing your mom back? i've made an entire photo book and you've not written one letter. i even wrote them a thank you note - did you know about it? have you written one? ;)
you don't write letter, mister. ha!

Melissa said...

I'll tell you... I missed Facebook for the first week or so. Then I really realized what a time killer it is. I would tell Bones "one more minute, mommy is commenting" when he wanted me to see a bird out the window. Not now, brother, not now. I have enjoyed the time looking out the windown with my littlest, discovering what is outside. Now that spring has sprung, we actually go for walks! I don't feel like I'll be missing something if I log out! Freeing.

I have gotten back on now, but only once a day unless I want to write a specific status update (like wishing Faithers Happy Birthday today). Being so separated from family, it really is the easiest way to keep up.

PS... I'm pretty sure our address is in A's address book. I'll be expecting a letter :-)

PPS... That address is soon to change, so you better hurry!

Doc said...

A & M,

I'm up in the air about whether or not to close the FB account. Part of me wants it gone for ever, but another part realizes it is a way to keep in touch with those that are important.

Likely what will end up happening is that I will remove every person that doesn't respond with a "keep in touch with me note." Of course, all family will be saved.

I guess it is an experiment on my part to glean out those that actually care.

We shall see what happens on May 1st!


Analee said...

clean out. its easier than you think. even in the "family" category. i'm ready to do a little more of that...

it is the internet. not blood ties. removing them from your friend list means nothing. just that you either don't want to read their updates or you don't want them reading yours!