Dear Facebook,
We need to talk. This has been coming for a while now, but I don’t think either one of us had the nerve to admit it. I think we should just be friends. Wait, I don’t even think we should be that. I think we should see other people. Make that real live people.
“Are you breaking up with me?” you ask. Yes. Unlike every other toxic relationship in my past, I am setting my digital foot down and terminating our connection. We had our good times, but it was just a fad, a phase, a broadband interlude.
I am grateful for one thing, though. You did bring me back in touch with people from the distant and recent past. For that, I thank you, but that is not enough. I am tired of feeling the voyeur and looking at peoples’ cruise pictures and reading comments irrelevant to me. I despise your cyber reality and cherish that which is tangible and outdoors.
Therefore, to all of those who I have reconnected with in either a passive or active fashion, I offer you this. Message me your mailing address, and at a minimum I will add you to the old Christmas card list. Better yet, request a letter, and I will actually write you one. Request my mailing address, and I will gladly provide it and eagerly check my mailbox.
FB, I will hang around until May 1st or until the security deposit is returned, and then I’m moving out.
FB Friends, if I’ve offended you in some odd way, oh well, we’ll all get over it in about 3 seconds. If you want to un-friend me prior to May 1st, go ahead, I won’t be put off. If you want to keep in touch for real, like I said, message me and we can trade mailing addresses.
I’ve had fun with all of you at one point in my life and in some form or fashion, but life is better served with real, not digital, connections.
Remember, happiness is found between the sole and the soil.